Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Respect- Critical to great work and a great place to work

Respect:Quote Dr. Martin at of Downers Grove Internists

For patients – Patients should not be thought of as adversaries. They come to the doctor sick and/or in need of help. There is always a “backstory” to why they behave badly. Our job is to help see them through their problem, if possible. Sometimes we can’t, and have to part ways. But we should always remain calm, try our best, and avoid taking their behavior personally.

For our coworkers- We must recognize that each “department” is essential, and that breakdown in any area prevents the office from running smoothly. Sometimes expressing our frustration with others’ work actually makes it harder for work to get done. We should not think of or treat each other as adversaries, but as coworkers whose cooperation we need to enlist. Everyone works better if he or she feels respected. We also need to respect the responsibilities of our jobs, and recognize that each of us has duties we’d prefer not to do (but must do nonetheless). Doctors must observe the same (if not better) standards of behavior, work ethic, and treatment of patients & staff that we expect from others.

Monday, June 22, 2009


We are in the process of defining and prioritizing values for our practice. The set of values we are reflecting on were derived from our entire group at our meeting on May 22nd. We will be using these valves for designing our "Standards of Behavior" for the practice. We also broke our group into sections with rounding done by a designated person in each section.See assignments below. Almost everyone has completed their task.Those who haven't please turn them in. Thanks for your efforts. I will be looking them over and will ask for some further assistance to prepare for the July 10th meeting.

Standard of Behaviors –Based on Values

We will draft standards of behavior from these values and acknowledge what ways these values can be reinforced in our daily practice.

Downers Grove Internists – Values – Trust – respect - honesty – empathy - courtesy – consideration – cooperation – teamwork – helping - communication - accountability – understanding role – full information (completeness) – Don’t assume – ask –answer – patient boundaries – humor - recognition – appreciation

Patient Values – listening – communication - respect - courtesy – understanding – consideration –patience – caring - sympathy – empathy – boundaries– don’t assume – don’t challenge patient’s requests - recognition – appreciation



Maria DGI - trust – respect - honesty – empathy
Lauren PT - listening – communication
Claudette DGI - courtesy – consideration – cooperation

2.Dr. Loeb
Dr. Martin PT - respect - courtesy
Dr. Vetrone DGI - teamwork – helping - communication
Amber PT - understanding – consideration –patience


Julie DGI - accountability – understanding role – full information (completeness)
Janet PT - caring - sympathy – empathy
Kathy W DGI - assume – ask –answer – patient boundaries

Kathy D PT - boundaries– don’t assume – don’t challenge patient’s requests
Michelle DGI - humor - recognition – appreciation
Dee PT - recognition – appreciation

Discharge Follow up

Service Recovery

Room and round

Individualized Patient Care

Managing up - Aidet