Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Year's Committment


  • At our last meeting we are launching our values commitment to be posted and circulated after the holidays. Thank You Kim and Kathy W.
  • Pink Yarn should be in every work area so if things get tense grab and share a piece with your colleagues to remind us all to honor each other and our patients. Thanks Claudette and Kathy D.
  • Recognition will be encouraged in the New Year. Sondra has volunteered to champion a recognition board. Please send your stories of caring and quality to her. Thanks Sondra.
  • Each employee should write a paragraph about themselves and email to Dan.

    Notes from meeting on December 2, 2009
    Attendees: Dr. Loeb, Dr. Martin, Dr. Vetrone, Dan, Mary, Kim, Kathy D., Kathy W., Claudette, Dee, Maria, Sondra, Amber. Absent: Michelle and Lauren

We reviewed the process of rounding: Claudette has been doing a great job of keeping patients informed and offering coffee or water and a time estimate of when the doctor will be in. Great idea to let them know when to change so they are not waiting in a cold gown too long.

We fixed the charge card machine

We reviewed frustration: pink yarn is in departments to be handed to anyone we feel needs reminding to move the discussion to the break room.

We reviewed urgent messages and sick messages: A list of pertinent questions will be near the front desk (and in the lab?) to make sure everything appropriate is asked. Also, for prescriptions, please ask if 30/90 day quantity and note the town and street of pharmacy if possible with the number.

We reviewed our values statement (Pledge). A poster with the statement, photos and signatures of employees will be posted in the waiting room by January 1.

We discussed a new form for error messages presented by Kim. Forms will be used beginning next week. When an error is noticed, the form should be filled out and sent to the department where the error occurred. Forms will then be sent on to Dan after corrections are made. Anything Dan decides the rest of the office can learn from will be circulated for signatures so mistakes do not continue in the future.

Cancellations should be noted as to the reason and sent to the doctor for review. Please also be a little more descriptive when scheduling patients rather than just typing “sick”, add a couple of words of what kind of sickness patient is being seen for in the schedule.

A new recognition board will be constructed in the waiting room to recognize those who go above and beyond or who have done something worthy of acknowledgement. Anyone who notices a “blue ribbon” employee should type up a short paragraph of description of the deed, which will be forwarded to Dan to be placed on an index card with a photo of the person. This card will be displayed on the recognition board for a period of time (a week, a month?).

Each employee is to type a short paragraph/biography of themselves about their achievements and background as pertinent to their job here at DGI. These should be completed and e-mailed to Dan and Dr. Loeb within a couple of weeks.